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[ Скачать с сервера (365.0 Kb) ] 13.09.2010, 16:57

"*" ">AIMBOT" {
"*" "Autoshoot" "aim 1;shoot 1"
"*" "Autoaim" "aim 1;shoot 0"
"*" "Autoaim and Autoshoot OFF" "aim 0;shoot 0"
"*" "Gait Sequence aiming" "gsaim 1"
"*" "Nospread" "nospread change"
"*" "Target lock on/off" "lock change"
"*" "Prediction on" "pred 2; predahead .2;txt Prediction ON"
"*" "Prediction off" "pred 0;predahead 0;predback 0;txt Prediction OFF"
"*" "Weapon bobbing on" "#cl_bob 0.01;#cl_bobup 0.5;#cl_bobcycle 1"
"*" "Weapon bobbing off" "#cl_bob 0;#cl_bobup 0;#cl_bobcycle 0"
"*" "Autowall" "autowall change"
"*" ">TARGET SELECTION" { //Aim by Team, Distance, Field of View, etc.
"*" "Enemies only" "team 0"
"*" "Friends only" "team 2"
"*" "Everyone" "team 1"
"*" "By distance" "mode 0"
"*" "By fov" "mode 1"
"*" "By points" "mode 2"
"*" ">BOT FOV" { //Aimbot field of view
"*" "90 deg" "fov 90"
"*" "180 deg" "fov 180"
"*" "360 deg" "fov 360"
"*" "9999 deg" "fov 9999"
"*" ">MOUSE BINDS" { //aiming binds to mouse
"*" ">MOUSE 1" {
"*" "Bind hlh style" "bind mouse1 +doshoot"
"*" "Bind aimthru" "bind mouse1 +thru"
"*" "Bind XQZ style" "bind mouse1 +doaim"
"*" "UnBind Mouse 1" "unbind mouse1"
"*" ">MOUSE 2" {
"*" "Bind hlh style" "bind mouse2 +doshoot"
"*" "Bind Aimthru" "bind mouse2 +thru"
"*" "Bind XQZ Style" "bind mouse2 +doaim"
"*" "Unbind mouse2" "unbind mouse2"
"*" "Aim at Hitboxes" "hitboxaim"
"*" "Draw Hitboxes" "drawhitbox"
"*" "Head Hitbox" "hitbox 11"
"*" "Neck Hitbox" "hitbox 10"
"*" "Chest Hitbox" "hitbox 8"
"*" "Testicles Hitbox" "hitbox 6"
"*" ">VEC AIMING" {
"*" "Reign In Blood" "exec rib"
"*" "Eye of the Tiger" "exec tiger24"
"*" "Draw Vector Avadd" "avdraw change"
"*" "Inverse Vecs" {
"*" "RedBull10.5" "exec redbull105"
"*" ">VISUAL OPTIONS" { // various visual modifications
"*" ">WALLHACKS" {
"*" "XQZ 2 Wallhack" "wall 1" // players show up through walls
"*" "Asus Wallhack" "wall 2" // transparent walls
"*" "Entity wallhack" "trans change" // doors, boxes, grates appear transparent
"*" ">LAMBERT" {
"*" "Lambert on/off" "lambert change" // normal lighting
"*" ">ESP" {
"*" ">PLAYER ESP" {
"*" "Player Position" "gaitsequence 2"
"*" "Health ESP" "health_esp change"
"*" "Box on/off" "box change"
"*" "Spike models on/off" "spiked change"
"*" "Barrel hack on/off" "barrel change"
"*" "Glow on/off" "glow change"
"*" "Target light on/off" "tlight change"
"*" "Target color" "tglow change"
"*" "Vip/bomb color" "sglow change"
"*" "Distance on/off" "distance change"
"*" "Weapon on/off" "weapon change"
"*" "Connection line" "esp_line change"
"*" "GUI Mouse speed" { //Select Mouse speed
"*" "Mouse speed up" "sensitive down 0.01" //Makes mouse faster
"*" "Mouse speed down" "sensitive up 0.01" // Makes mouse slower
"*" ">SOUND ESP" {
"*" "Enable Sound ESP on VAC (must be used)" "sound 1"
"*" ">MODE" {
"*" "Non visible players" "soundfilter 1" // discard sounds from visible players
"*" "Enemies only" "soundfilter 2" // discard sounds from teammates
"*" "All" "soundfilter 3" // show all sounds
"*" "Disabled" "soundfilter 0" // disables sound hack
"*" ">MARKER TIMEOUT" { // how long until a sound marker disappears
"*" "0.5 sec" "soundtime 0.5"
"*" "1.0 sec" "soundtime 1.0"
"*" "5.0 sec" "soundtime 5.0"
"*" "10 sec" "soundtime 10.0"
"*" "30 sec" "soundtime 30.0"
"*" "># OF MARKERS" { // set maximum number of sound markers displayed at once
"*" " 8 markers" "soundmax 8"
"*" "16 markers" "soundmax 16"
"*" "32 markers" "soundmax 32"
"*" "64 markers" "soundmax 64"
"*" "Display mode text" "sounddisplay 2"
"*" "Display mode box" "sounddisplay 1"
"*" "Display mode off" "sounddisplay 0"
"*" "Radar on/off" "soundradar change"
"*" "Reset markers" "soundmax"
"*" ">FRIEND ESP" {
"*" "list players in console" "players"
"*" "Clear all friends" "clearfriends"
"*" "White ESP Friends" "fglow change" //will make friends WHITE in ESP color
"*" "Show friendship" "fesp change" //will display -FRIEND- ESP once added
"*" "Player Information" "miscinfo change" //displays player when: reloading, shielding, throwing a grenade
"*" "Weapon on ground ESP" "esp change"
"*" ">BLOOD" {
"*" "Blood default" "blood0"
"*" "Blood double" "blood1"
"*" "Blood more" "blood2"
"*" "Blood splatter" "blood3"
"*" "Default Crosshair" "cross 0"
"*" "Precise Crosshair" "cross 1"
"*" "Thick Precise Crosshair" "cross 2"
"*" "Thin and Long Crosshair" "cross 3"
"*" "Thick and Long Crosshair" "cross 4"
"*" ">RADAR" {
"*" "Radar mode on" "radar 1"
"*" "Radar mode off" "radar 0"
"*" "Radar mode enemies" "radar 2"
"*" "Radar mode friends" "radar 3"
"*" "Sound markers on/off" "soundradar change"
"*" ">REMOVALS" {
"*" "Hide smoke & flash" "smoke 1;flash 1"
"*" "Show smoke & flash" "smoke 0;flash 0"
"*" "Sniper blackout fix" "sniper change"
"*" "Anti zoom on/off" "antizoom change"
"*" "Toggle font" "confont change"
"*" "Third person" "chase_cam change" // tomb raider style view (chase cam)
"*" "White Walls" "glextra change"
"*" "Night Mode" "glextra 2"
"*" "Death info on/off" "death change;color death 100 100 0"
"*" "Bomb timer on/off" "bombtimer change"
"*" "Show system time" "systime change"
"*" "Grenade shell on/off" "Grenadeshell change"
"*" "All Off" "name 0;weapon 0;distance 0;esp 0;tglow 0;glow 0;spiked 0;barrel 0;box 0;glextra 0;wall 0;trans 0;lambert 0;soundfilter 0;sounddisplay 0;gaitsequence 0"
"*" ">BUY BOTS" {
"*" "Awp only" "awp" // always saves for awp, small restock for found weapons
"*" "Submachine guns" "smg" // submachine guns, small restock for found weapons
"*" "Ak/m4 only" "akm4" // ak/m4 when possible, small restock for found weapons
"*" "Best rifle" "bestrifle" // sig/aug if possible, else ak/m4, small restock for found weapons
"*" "Best weapon" "bestweapon" // best weapon of (awp,aug,sig,ak,m4,p90,mp5,ump,mac10,tmp) that you can afford
"*" "Best weapon no awp" "bestweapon2" // best weapon of (aug,sig,ak,m4,p90,mp5,ump,mac10,tmp) that you can afford
"*" "Best weapon no zoom" "bestweapon3" // best weapon of (ak,m4,p90,mp5,ump,mac10,tmp) that you can afford
"*" "Economical" "economical" // if you dont already have a weapon, best of (awp,aug,sig,ak,m4,p90,mp5,ump,mac10,tmp)
"*" "Economical, no awp" "economical2" // if you dont already have a weapon, best of (aug,sig,ak,m4,p90,mp5,ump,mac10,tmp)
"*" "Economical, no zoom" "economical3" // if you dont already have a weapon, best of (ak,m4,p90,mp5,ump,mac10,tmp)
"*" "# he grenades" "buyhe_t" // number of he grenades to buy with each weapon
"*" "# flashbangs" "buyflash_t" // number of flashbangs to buy with each weapon
"*" "# smoke grenades" "buysmoke_t" // number of smoke grenades to buy with each weapon
"*" "Switch to knife" "toknife_t" // automatically switch to knife after buying
"*" "Buy bots off" "alias siground nop" // disables buy bots
"*" "Spinbot" "spin change"
"*" "Auto pistol switch" "aswitch1"
"*" "Pistol auto fire" "pistol change"
"*" "Auto Reload on/off" "reload change"
"*" "Bunny hop on/off" "jump change"
"*" "Duck jump on/off" "duck change"
"*" "Auto Recoil" "autorecoil change"
"*" ">SCRIPTS" {
"*" "Name Changer ON" "akname_t;txt Name Changer Enabled."
"*" "Name Changer OFF" "akname_t;txt Name Changer Disabled."
"*" "Anti-Kick" "exec kick"
"*" ">SPEED HACK" {
"*" "LTFX Speed 2x" "dspeed 2"
"*" "LTFX Speed 5x" "dspeed 5"
"*" "LTFX Speed 10x" "dspeed 10"
"*" "LTFX Speed 20x" "dspeed 20"
"*" "Speed OFF" "dspeed 0"
"*" ">PLACEMENT" {
"*" "Move left" "radar_x down 40"
"*" "Move right" "radar_x up 40"
"*" "Move up" "radar_y down 32"
"*" "Move down" "radar_y up 32"
"*" "Size up" "radar_size up 32"
"*" "Size down" "radar_size down 32"
"*" "Range up" "radar_range up 200"
"*" "Range down" "radar_range down 200"
"*" "Reset to defaults" "radar_x 110;radar_y 320;radar_size 100;radar_range 1500"
"*" "Move left" "menu_x down 40"
"*" "Move right" "menu_x up 40"
"*" "Move up" "menu_y down 32"
"*" "Move down" "menu_y up 32"
"*" "Width up" "menu_w up 20"
"*" "Width down" "menu_w down 20"
"*" "Reset to defaults" "menu_x 240;menu_y 245;menu_w 160"
"*" "Move left" "con_x down 40"
"*" "Move right" "con_x up 40"
"*" "Move up" "con_y down 32"
"*" "Move down" "con_y up 32"
"*" "Width up" "con_w up 40"
"*" "Width down" "con_w down 40"
"*" "Height up" "con_h up 32"
"*" "Height down" "con_h down 32"
"*" "Reset to defaults" "con_x 500;con_y 0;con_w 524;con_h 600"
"*" "Move up" "stat_y down 50"
"*" "Move down" "stat_y up 50"
"*" "Move Left" "stat_x down 50"
"*" "Move Right" "stat_x up 50"
"*" ">MISC" {
"*" "As say message" "saystats 1"
"*" "To ogc console" "saystats 2"
"*" "To hud" "saystats 3"
"*" "No stats report" "saystats 0"
"*" "On-screen Stats" "ogc_stats change"
"*" "Hud info aim" "info 1"
"*" "Hud info default" "info 2"
"*" "Hud info cvar changes" "info 3"
"*" "Hud info off" "info 0"
"*" "Reenable console" "#console 1;#bind ~ toggleconsole"
"*" "Restore hl binds" "#exec config.cfg"
"*" "Quit HL" "quit"
"*" "Menu Sounds on/off" "menusound change"
"*" "Kill Sounds on/off" "kill_sound change"
"*" ">WINAMP" { // winamp control
"*" "Winamp Control ON" "wa_active 1" // enables winamp control
"*" "Winamp Control OFF" "wa_active 0" // releases winamp control
"*" "Say Title ON/OFF" "wa_saytitle change"
"*" "> Play" "winamp play" // play the current track
"*" "[] Stop" "winamp stop" // stops the current track playback
"*" "|| Pause" "winamp pause" // pauses playback
"*" ">> Fast forward" "winamp forward" // skips forward 10 seconds
"*" "<< Fast rewind" "winamp back" // skips back 10 seconds
"*" "|> Next track" "winamp next" // next track
"*" "<| Prev track" "winamp prev" // previous track
"*" "Draw Current Title" "wa_title change" // draws the current playing track
"*" "Shuffle on" "winamp shuffle 1"
"*" "Shuffle off" "winamp shuffle 0"
"*" "Repeat on" "winamp repeat 1"
"*" "Repeat off" "winamp repeat 0"
"*" ">VOLUME" {
"*" "Automatic control" "wa_autovolume 1;" // fades out when alive, fades in when dead
"*" "**--------------" "wa_autovolume 0;winamp volume 32;#volume 0.7"
"*" "****------------" "wa_autovolume 0;winamp volume 64;#volume 0.6"
"*" "******----------" "wa_autovolume 0;winamp volume 96;#volume 0.5"
"*" "********--------" "wa_autovolume 0;winamp volume 128;#volume 0.4"
"*" "**********------" "wa_autovolume 0;winamp volume 160;#volume 0.3"
"*" "************----" "wa_autovolume 0;winamp volume 192;#volume 0.3"
"*" "**************--" "wa_autovolume 0;winamp volume 224;#volume 0.2"
"*" "****************" "wa_autovolume 0;winamp volume 255;#volume 0.2"
"*" "Save settings" "savecvar cvar1.bin;init save;txt Settings saved."

http://www.kaspersky.ru/images/newdesign/k.gifПроверено антивирусом касперским -http://forever.at.ua 

Категория: Читы | Добавил: Assassin
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